Time Sheets

Time Sheets provide totals for hours worked during a specified period. Employees can access time sheets from their Punch Clocks at any time.

Time Sheets are calculated based on raw punch data only, and do not apply Rounding Policies, Shift Policies, Overtime Policies or Premium Policies. See Pay Sheets to view hours with Policies applied to hours.

To adjust an employee's punches, edit their Time Sheet by selecting TimeAttendance->Timesheets->ViewEmployeeTimeSheet and either tap on an existing Work Shift, or tap Add Work Shift

Team Time Sheets

To review employee time sheets for a whole Team, select TimeAttendance->Timesheets and then View a Timesheet Summary for a Team of Employees. Tap any employee on the Team Summary to edit or view individual time sheets.

Note that you must create and belong to at least one Team to view time sheets by Teams.

Punch Integrity

The Integrity Scores are included on time sheets as well as on Excel or Payroll reports you export. Punches with 0% Integrity are shown together with an Asterix * on Timesheets. A Punch Integrity Score from 0-100% is calculated each time an employee Punches in or out.

See Conformance->Integrity Scores for full details.

Geo Location Mapping

It is possible to view a geo location map for each work shift on a time sheet. If geo location data was obtained for a work shift's punches, a 'Map' icon will appear at the top right corner of the work shift.

Export Time Sheet Reports

To export a Time Sheet, select TimeAttendance->Timesheets->ExportReport