
Assets represent inventoried equipment used by employees as part of their work, such as tools, devices and vehicles.

It is possible to track the purchase date, manufacturer, serial number, cost, life expectancy and inventory levels of Assets, as well as when they have been checked-out of, and back into inventory by employees.

It is also possible to track when Assets require maintenance, when they are in maintenance, or when they come out of maintenance. Employees can flag an Asset as needing maintenance so that your maintenance staff can take action. Your maintenance staff record when maintenance requests have been completed and set the next scheduled maintenance date.

To see a list of Assets assigned to you, select Inventory Management->Assets To see a list of Assets of employee you supervise, select Inventory Management->Assets->Tasks for Employees I have Checked-Out

To filter the list of Assets, tap the Filter icon, and choose 'Filter By Status' as well as a date range.

Assets can be set to any of the following statuses:

  • Checked In - The asset is checked into inventory
  • Checked Out - The asset is checked out by an employee
  • In Maintenance - The asset is in maintenance
  • Archived - The asset is archived and not currently in use

Asset Checkouts

To see all check-outs for an Asset, select Inventory Management->Assets->All Assets Available to Me, and tap an asset to view it. Then, tap Asset Checkouts

Asset Maintenance Requests

To view all Asset Maintenance Requests, select Inventory Management->Assets->All Assets Available to Me, and tap Filter icon. Check the 'Maintenance Required' checkbox to filter the list down to only assets requiring maintenance.

When the asset maintenance is completed, edit the Asset and set the status to 'Checked-In'.

Asset Notes

To see all notes for an Asset, select Inventory Management->Assets->All Assets Available to Me, and tap an asset to view it. Then, tap Asset Notes

Restrict Access to Locations

Assets can be restricted to specified employees. Assets which have been restricted are not available for the user to check-out.