Employment Status

The Employment Status tracks Date of Hire, Review and Termination.

Hiring an Employee

To On-Board an employee, select HumanResources->Employees->OnBoard.

Terminating an Employee

To Terminate an Employee, select HumanResources->Employees->EmployeeIndex and tap the employee record. Then, tap Terminate Employee under the Employment Status section, and choose a Terminate Date.

Employees which have been Terminated cannot access punch clocks or log into their dashboard.

Since MinuteWorx does not bill for inactive users, Employees who have been terminated are deducted from monthly invoicing automatically. Note that deleting employee records is not necessary to avoid billing.

It is recommended to retain Terminated Employee Records for at least one year.

Archive Employee Record

Once an Employee has been terminated, their Record can be archived. Archived Employees do not appear in select lists throughout the app.

To archive an employee, select HumanResources->Employees->EmployeeIndex and tap the employee record. Then, tap Archive Employee under the Employment Status section.

To view a list of Archived Employees, select HumanResources->Employees->ArchivedEmployees

Re-Hire Employee

To Re-Hire an employee, choose HumanResources->Employees->ArchivedEmployees and tap the employee record. Then, tap Re-hire under the Employment Status section. The employee's past data is retained.